Referral Window
The Referral Window sets a window of time in which you can receive credit for an action (i.e., an order from the tracking link).
- According to Target Creator’s Master Agreement, the referral window allows referrals from clicks within 30 days.
Credit Policy
This section of the Master Agreement explains what you would need to do to receive credit for an action. According to the Master Agreement, Target makes use of the “Last Click” credit policy, which means if you drove the last click in a conversion path, you will receive 100% of the credit for that conversion/sale.
Why is this important to know?
If one of your viewers visits Target's website through a tracking link you provided and does not order anything, a referral window starts from that first visit. If that same viewer returns to the website within the referral window time frame (e.g., 30 days), using that same link you provided, and orders the item, you will receive credit for driving that order!