Join a Campaign

On the Campaigns page, you will be able to see all of the campaigns you are currently eligible for.

You will only see campaigns that are a good fit for you. Many campaigns have filtering criteria such as "Areas of Influence" that may restrict some creators from being eligible.
  1. From the top navigation bar, select Campaigns.
    • Alternatively, navigate to Campaigns on your home screen and select View all.
  2. Select a campaign card to view the campaign page.
  3. Select the Overview tab to view the campaign details:
    • Compensation
    • Campaign description
    • Creator requirements
    • Campaign goals
  4. Select the Proposal tab to review the campaign requirements:
    • Compensation: See the amount you'll be paid for the campaign.
    • Assignments: View specific assignments that you have to complete for this campaign.
    • Usage rights: Specific usage rights for all content generated for this campaign
    • Exclusivity: See if there are any restrictions to work with any competitors during the campaign.
  5. In the upper-left corner of the campaign, select Apply and fill out the required information.
    • You can also include an application message in the text box provided. The campaign manager will receive your message as part of the application.
  6. Once you have filled out the required information, select Next and review the proposal.
  7. If you agree to all of them, check the box at the bottom of the modal, then select Apply.

If you want to negotiate terms, refer to campaign negotiation.

You can view all the campaigns you have applied to on the Campaigns page under the Applied tab. If we are not able to move forward with your campaign application at this time, you will be notified and the campaign card will be displayed in the Archived section.